Cramping and Beta #3 results!

I’ve been super crampy all day and had to take several naps! My word! I am normally not a nap person so this is all new for me!

As I was napping, I left my phone on so I could hear if the Dr. was calling with my Beta #3 results. I went in early this morning and the receptionist opened the window and said, ” Are you excited? I just wanted to tell you that I am just so overly excited for you. We all are.” Man, I just love this office. They are my family in the 7 months that I have been with them.

So Beta 1 and Beta 2 were both good…and now….

Beta 1: 355.4

Beta 2: 1422

Beta 3: 3630

So far, so good! Going in this Friday (3 days from now) to do my first ultrasound to view the gestational sac. We have a lot of hurdles to overcome but I’m willing to jump them. Anything for this 7 year itch to be over with.

Also, wanted to point out that I feel a lot more secure in this pregnancy because we did the genetic screening. People, if it is offered…I would HIGHLY recommend you spend the extra $2000 (in my case) and get those embryos screened. We have 5 chromosomal normal embryos. Our chance of having a miscarriage is VERY low because of this. Just to have that off of my mind is a huge relief. It’s worth more than $2k to me. I just wanted to share that just in case anyone else is considering it…DO IT! We were told it wasn’t necessary since we were never pregnant. Odds are our embryos are good but just not taking. BUT, that was not the case. Our top 3 strongest embryos were extremely sick. I’m so glad we did the screening. I can not stress that enough! I’m just seeing so much heart ache these days and I wish this was a requirement with IVF.

Anywho…off my soap box. Thinking of you all!

Beta Test #2 Results Are In!

As you know my last Beta was July 2nd and came out as a whopping 355.4! Due to the holiday here in the US I had to wait until today, July 5th, to do my 2nd Beta test.

After poking me three different times the nurses came to the conclusion that my veins are shot. They took it from the side of my arm! I mean..gross! Talk about almost passing out!

I’ve been feeling really good lately. Feeling fatter than hell though which is annoying. I just want to work out. Do crunches or something. Anyone have any ideas of what kind of exercise I can do?? I’m almost 5 weeks along.

So..sorry! Get to it, right? Beta #2 results are…..**drum roll**….1422!!! Managed to quadruple from the last Beta. Pretty awesome! Looking forward to see what Beta #3 results will be in two days. July 10th I’ll get to have my first ultrasound to see the gestational sac and then my last visit with my fertility doctor and a second ultrasound on July 23rd to hear the heartbeat. After all of that, I will be going to my regular OBGYN until **fingers crossed** March 2016.

I’m going to be a right mess when I leave my fertility clinic. They are my family. But we will be seeing them very soon afterwards to transfer baby #2 or 3 depending on if this batch is twins!

Anywho, off I go to bed! I’m worn out!