9 Weeks And Maternity Clothes

As of tomorrow I will officially be 9 weeks. And, officially insane from so many weeks of bed rest and all-day sickness. Wonderful.

I am happy though that the twins are no longer considered “embryos” but have officially graduated to “fetuses.” Big steps here on the home front. In a few days I will go in for another ultrasound to check on them and to see what the blood clot is doing. I’m worried that it will have not decreased in size and/or moved and is risking one or both babies even more than it already was. High hopes only. Positive thinking only. I need these boys to be my miracle.

Today my in-laws are in town and I didn’t feel sick for a few hours so we went to Target and I bought a few maternity clothes. FINALLY! They say with twins you notice you are bigger already at 8 weeks. I definitely agree with that considering NONE of my clothes fit properly. I got some jeans and a few shirts that are comfortable yet chic. Progress! I was, however, really worried about buying the clothes. I lot of “What ifs” crossed my mind. Then I quickly pushed those out of my head and went on my merry way.

A few more weeks of the Progesterone in Oil shots. I’ve been on them for over 3 months now and I’m running out of juice to handle them. Speaking of…gotta go take it!

7 thoughts on “9 Weeks And Maternity Clothes

  1. horray! I’m almost into my 7th week and already into maternity pants. I completely understand about the what if’s, but then I say it’s rubbish and continue on my marry little way. I too am so ready to be over the PIO shots. OVER THEM. Saying a prayer for you. I pray that the clot has gone away or has gotten smaller! We need those boys healthy & full grown! xoxo

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  2. Oh and word to the wise, do not throw out or give away ANY maternity clothes as you grow out of them. You’ll want them postpartumn, someone recently brought this to my attention and I wish I had thought about it before.


  3. So many positive thoughts and prayers for you and your boys! Hoping that the danger has passed so that you are able to relax more. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this already but my husband and his brother are twins. They are fraternal (and non-fertility treatment) twins but they looked so much alike as babies and toddlers that they can’t even tell themselves apart in photos! Only my MIL can. There are so many weird twin things too– my husband and I started dating the same week that my BIL started dating his now-wife. They got engaged a few months 4 before us and then married 3 few months before us. Now they are pregnant and will have our nephew 4 months before our baby is born even though we tried to avoid that by starting to try almost 4 years ago! I actually look a way more like my BIL’s wife than my own sisters, so when we met the family everyone believed that we were sisters and a few even asked if we were twins as well. The boys have kind of matchy names that sound similar and we do too and the list goes on and on…

    I never understood what the twin thing was like but being married to one has been interesting at times. There are lots of funny stories of them switching places and trying to fool teachers and all that good stuff. They will keep you busy, I’m sure, but it will be a lot of fun too.

    I’m praying for your twin boys and their health through this difficult time. And someday you will have lots of funny stories to share as well! ❤

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